Kite Insights

The Climate School, an initiative of Kite Insights, is a comprehensive sustainability education program designed to empower employees across industries and geographical locations. Through their curriculum, participants gain the knowledge, motivation, and practical tools needed to lead their organizations toward a climate-friendly future. No matter your industry or location, Kite Insights’ Climate School equips you to drive meaningful change for a sustainable world
We collaborated with Kite Insights to develop comprehensive training modules led by Sophia Cheng, aimed at providing an insightful introduction to our lifestyle choices and their environmental impacts. These modules delve into various facets of our daily lives, including travel, dietary habits, and fashion choices, shedding light on the profound consequences we impose on the planet. It’s evident that our reliance on fossil fuels, predominantly oil and gas, for heating our homes and powering our cities is accelerating the emission of carbon into the atmosphere at an alarming rate. This unsustainable trajectory not only exacerbates climate change but also severs our connection with the natural world, posing an existential threat to our planet’s future.

